Monday, February 25, 2013

Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye?

Why is the first word in this question.  It is tempting to skip along and think about my neighbor's behavior and how it draws my attention.  But, that would evade the question.  WHY do I see the speck?  Because it is easier to look over there than to look in the mirror.  Because as long as I am focused on what you are doing wrong/right/differently then I don't have to be focused on what I am doing.  Because looking at your speck makes me feel superior.  Because as long as I am focused on your speck I can look past my own log.

Sadly, we've made this sort of vision the norm in most of our churches.  Somehow by entering a faith community, I suppose myself to be of a higher standard, a more superior place than "them."  I can watch others, broken, sinful, and struggling and somehow judge myself less critically.  Or, I can look at others and wonder why I am not like them, not as sure and certain, good or whole as they are.  Under such circumstances we turn the faith community into theater:  a theater of actors who in reality are fools.

So many people who find a faith community daunting, sick, hostile, or unnecessary are those who have been held hostage by bad theology or the judgement of others. Sometimes so-called good people of faith are best  at holding hostages and even torturing them. Sadly, it happens every day.  When we are vulnerable, unsure, or wearied by the log in our own eye, we project our anger and frustration on others.  We scapegoat those who are different or those who do not conform to our assimilated culture.  
One of the top reasons that young people have no use for the church is because it is viewed as a holding chamber for critical, intolerant, and often downright mean people.  If our fig tree is not blossoming, it will be cut down.  Jesus said, "make the tree good and its fruit good" (Matthew 12:33) "for grapes are not borne by thorns nor figs by thistles."
What if we stopped focusing on our neighbor's speck and focused on getting over our own log?  What would life be like if we lived into our own way of perfection?  What would happen if I gave everyone I met the benefit of the doubt?  What if I stopped acting as if the world revolved around me and stopped putting that log in the middle of all my relationships?  Do I use my log as a barrier of protection?  Have I grown so accustomed to my log that I cannot fathom the vulnerability and freedom of removing it?  Have I built my own special fort there with a "members only" sign on the door?
What is clouding my vision or blocking my path?  Most of the time the answer is me: my fear, my doubts, my insecurities, and my frustrations.  How are these questions transforming me?  They are challenging me to find the courage to seek that which may be on the others side of that log.  The questions are gradually giving me the tools to clear the path, enjoy the walk, and seek a different horizon.  How about you?


  1. Wow, Pastor Joy. Your comments about the log are right on target today. That log (brick wall)is a barrier of protection as well as a barrier to moving forward.

  2. Also interesting to contemplate is the idea of being held hostage to bad theology. That has certainly happened to me during my life, and even now continues to be a stumbling block at times. I don't blame my childhood pastor. He taught what he knew and believed. But church dogma, though based on Scripture, is so often expanded upon by man, exaggerated and even altered, so that the origin is barely visible. It is sometimes hard to follow.

  3. That was supposed to be - hard to swallow. Auto-correct does interesting things.

  4. There's a saying in sales that "perception is reality." This means that even if the sky is blue, if I see it as green, then my reality is a green sky. Likewise, if the speck in my eye has been cultivated to grow into a large splinter, then my reality is always going to be seen through/around that large piece of wood, whether I realize it or not. Our view of our world, for better or worse, is influenced by our living through our lives. What makes a difference, then, is the deliberate recognition of our own "reality" flaws, the acceptance of what they are and how they may have come to be, and, most importantly, the decision to either continue partly blind, or to gain a new way of seeing our world. Letting go of the familiar is hard; mankind has always feared the unknown. The unknowable shakes us to our foundations. Maybe that is the radical teaching that Christ brought to each of us: letting go and free-falling into the endless grace.

    1. I agree - perception is reality. My reality is different from your reality. God may have created the universe, but our brains/minds create our world and often it is hard to alter our perception. Free-fall can be exhilarating, but the first step is the hardest. Sometimes it takes a little push to help us take that first step.

  5. 'I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him.'

    Here is a mystery. The truth has no agenda and needs no defense. Speak the truth and allow the judgement to follow afterwards... it most likely is none of your concern.

    1. What does this mean? I don't understand what you are saying.

    2. It may mean many different things.

      In the context of today's question:

      Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye?

      This verse comes to my mind because it exposes the petty nature of the speck.

      Does that make sense? The truth has no agenda and needs no defense. Speak the truth and allow the cards to fall where they may. Judgement always follows the truth. We don't have to actively judge anybody if the truth is out in plain view.
